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![]() | Schooley Mitchell Telecom ConsultantsIndependent and Objective Telecommunications Consultants in the United States & Canada |

Business Type
FranchiseMin Liquid Capital
$50,000Total Investment
$37,500 to $50,000Number of Units
100In Business Since
1983* For Current Info See:
Franchise Disclosure Document

Schooley Mitchell was established in 1983, with its telecom division being established as a separate entity during 1996. The company has been providing professional advice to its clients in the areas of finance, accounting, computers, management and telecom services since inception. With decades of combined telecom experience, Schooley Mitchell has pursued its Franchising concept to meet the need for independent and objective telecom advice in the North American market.
Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consultants has its corporate head office in Stratford, Ontario. The company is the largest independent telecom consulting organization in North America, with offices from coast to coast in both United States and Canada.
Schooley Mitchell Franchisees are independent of all telecom companies selling products or services. Franchisees do not receive commissions, residuals or kickbacks from any telecom suppliers. Therefore, the solutions provided to clients are designed with the exclusive goal of providing the best solution to meet clients' individual needs regarding telecom services.
Our business is Telecom Consulting. Our strategy is to penetrate and dominate the marketplace through franchising so we can serve our clients the best possible way. In 1996 Schooley Mitchell implemented the franchising strategy to achieve two key objectives:
To offer our clients the highest caliber and most comprehensive suite of professional services.
Opening Schooley Mitchell’s opportunity to professionals of diverse backgrounds has enabled us to grow our team of Consultants to include expertise in a broad spectrum of disciplines including all areas of the telecommunications industry. We bring this incredible set of professionals together, we share resources and knowledge, and we deliver the best solutions to our clients.
To provide seamless coverage, meeting all our clients’ needs from coast to coast.
Franchising enables businesses to grow without stretching essential resources. When customer service is a priority, as it is for Schooley Mitchell, ensuring that we have locations in all the areas that our customers require when they require them is essential. Franchising has enabled us to achieve this goal.
Products & Services
Audit and Needs Analysis - Existing Systems & Services Our clients realize that they derive the most benefit by concentrating their efforts on their core service or product. Most business people simply do not have the time to analyze technology, suppliers and pricing alternatives in today's constantly changing telecom world. Schooley Mitchell Consultants audit existing systems and services to identify the most beneficial alternatives for you. The telecom audit can consider the entire telecommunications system, including local services, long distance, equipment configuration, toll-free, cellular and wireless services, faxes, modems, internet access and past billings, with the goals of identifying and providing:
- areas of cost saving that won't entail sacrificing service;
- how efficiency can be increased;
- billing errors that may be recoverable;
- a full inventory of all telecom equipment and services.
The core services that we provide to our clients fall into two broad categories:
Schooley Mitchell will analyze your organization's existing telecommunications services and systems to identify billing errors and opportunities to reduce costs while maintaining or improving service.
Schooley Mitchell will provide advice, guidance and recommendations to help your organization make the right decisions regarding your telecommunications projects.
- Needs analysis
- Review of options or proposals
- Vendor, equipment and application recommendations
- Implementation services
- Project management services
- Hardware upgrades and replacements
- System and application upgrades and replacements
- Office moves and relocations
- Business expansion or downsizing
- Acquisition and integration of another business
- Creation of mobile or remote offices
- Adoption of new technologies
- Network integration
Training & Support
Schooley Mitchell has grown to be North America’s largest and most experienced independent telecommunications consulting company. Our initial and ongoing training programs continually increase the knowledge of our Consultants so we can deliver the best solutions to our clients.
Schooley Mitchell provides all new Franchisees with an intensive two-week initial training program at The Telecom Institute, as well as one week of mentoring training in your community. The training then continues with hands-on training as you begin the operation of the Franchise. Continuous training takes place via our intranet, through our support staff, through sessions near your community with suppliers of technology solutions and via other distance learning initiatives. The initial training includes "hands-on" training with live client cases as well as marketing, telecom, computer and technical training. Head office staff also continues to train you through our support team, as you execute your initial client engagements. In addition to all of these vehicles to keep you up to date and provide training to you, each Franchisee attends our annual conference where the newest technologies are reviewed and the successes of all of our vast network of Consultants are shared with peers.
- Two week initial training course
- Continuous modular training
- One week mentoring training in your location
- Annual training update
- Periodic regional presentations
- Sample solutions, proposals, recommendations provided on a regular basis
- Continuous training releases to keep you informed
- Intranet training - whatever you need, you can get
- Training task force (consisting of Franchisees)
Support from head office is provided on a continuous basis. Head office staff have been providing support to clients across North America for more than 20 years. Through our toll-free numbers, you are never left to deal with a challenge alone. We continually help you through your client situations as well as continually providing information about supplier options and technical information. Our field consulting staff also provide marketing and sales support.
The mandate of the head office research team is to stay on top of the telecom world. That includes updated rate tables for supplier options, continually advising about technical information as it changes and providing market information to aid Franchisees' development. This information is communicated to Franchisees on a weekly basis to increase profitability and success.
- Our job is to stay current
- Continuous toll-free support
- Full-time research and support department at head office
- Expertise to provide assistance from other Franchisees and head office
- Continuous releases on support/research issues
- Constant support to review your recommendations and help with your client solutions
Marketing and Advertising
As indicated in the Schooley Mitchell mission statement, our goal is to be known as the telecom experts across the continent. Our advertising and marketing programs are directed toward that goal. Our training course includes three full days of marketing skills development to ensure that our Franchisees fully understand our marketing programs and strategies. During the past few years, Schooley Mitchell has been honoured with six coveted "Frankie Awards" for the best advertising campaigns among all Franchise companies. The Gold Medal for "Business to Business Brochures" and the Silver Medal for "Direct Marketing" were awarded in 2000. Those achievements were followed up with the Silver Medal for "Corporate Identity" and the Bronze Medal for "Business to Business Brochures" in 2001. Two more Bronze Medals were received in 2002 and 2003.
- National Gold Medal award winner for business-to-business advertising program
- Unlimited access to our Pulse program, part of our Business Education Network, which automatically delivers "Distinctive Value" to your contacts on a bi-weekly basis
- Internet home page, logo design, mailing material, brochures, pamphlets
- Advertising development
- Testimonials and experiences of all consultants
- Marketing plan development
- Marketing council (consisting of Franchisees)
- Constant sharing of ideas
- Field support from head office personnel
- Publicity/public relations; newspaper articles, magazines, newsletters
- Publicity through involvement with national charity campaign
Reference Materials/Tools
- Easy-to-use computer tools
- Numerous templates for efficient business operation
- Manuals continually updated for Marketing, Operations, Computer Tools, Technical Info, Telecom Today, etc.
- Continuous releases to improve manuals and computer tools
- Head office programming department - to constantly improve the software tools
- Tool development task force (consisting of Franchisees)
- Use of trademarks and name
- Telecom expertise across North America
- Negotiation power with suppliers
- Referral network across North America
- Testimonials from entire Franchise system
- Expertise and experiences of all Consultants
- Marketing field experience of all Consultants
- Client protection system for Franchisees
- Advisory council (consisting of Franchisees)
- Communication lines are always open
- Efficient and cost-effective method of communication
- The perfect tool to provide continuous updates and improvements
- Communication with head office and other Franchisees
Why Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consultants?
Franchising has increased dramatically during the last two decades and is quickly being recognized as one of the most effective ways of doing business. It combines the drive and ambition of the small businessperson with the experience and expertise of the Franchisor. The result is often a winning strategic-partnership for both parties.
The success rate of franchise businesses is much higher than that of independent businesses.
According to Franchise World Magazine, a franchise business has a 92% success rate after 5 years compared to a 23% success rate of an independent business after the same period of time.
- There is only one Franchise bankruptcy to every 40 independent business bankruptcies in North America (5,000 vs. 200,000 annually, respectively).
- Although only 3% of businesses in North America are Franchises, 40% of retail and service business is conducted by those franchises every year.
- There are now over 600,000 Franchises with over $600 billion in sales in North America.
A successful Franchise relationship means you are joining a team where members have common goals. Together, the Franchisor and Franchisee work to build a strong company image, develop the market and increase profits. Individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to work as part of a team are the most effective Franchise candidates.
The Path to Success
The concept is simple - the only way we succeed is to have you succeed. We will do everything in our power to duplicate the success we have experienced with our other Franchise locations.
A Schooley Mitchell Franchise offers the prestige of association with a professional business and the opportunity to become part of a successful team. Our proven system of operation and our recognized identity in the field of Telecommunications are the essential components to build business success.
- Use of the Schooley Mitchell name, trademarks, and quality reputation;
- Computer software tools developed by Schooley Mitchell, as well as continuous updates;
- The initial training course; including mentoring training
- Continuous training on a distance learning basis;
- The annual training updates;
- Access to specialists in all areas of telecommunications through our consultant network throughout North America;
- Continuous toll-free support;
- Head office support, experience, business expertise and advice;
- Marketing and advertising materials and advice;
- U.S. and Canada-wide coverage to ensure all client needs can be satisfied;
- Access to the Schooley Mitchell intranet site, which contains technical material, training material, methods of easy communication among franchisees, etc.;
- The fully developed operating and support systems, which means you don't have to "recreate the wheel."
Are You a Good Fit for Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consultants?
Our success is based entirely on the success of our Franchisees. Consequently, we are very careful in our selection process. In selecting Franchisees, preference is given to applicants with the following characteristics:
- Aptitude for managing a business;
- Strong business background - marketing, sales, consulting or management;
- Team orientation that entails an appreciation for the benefits of working in a proven system;
- Good interpersonal and communication skills;
- The ability to make a full-time commitment (from the Franchisee or a Franchise manager);
- Financial resources
- Strong desire to control your own destiny & financial security
Although the investment to acquire a Franchise license is small compared to most Franchises, you must be able to meet that commitment, as well as provide for personal expenses. Results vary from Franchisee to Franchisee, which makes it difficult to predict how many weeks from the point of start-up will be required before realizing the initial collection of fees. Consequently, you must have enough capital, so you don't require cash from the business for the start-up period.