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Terms of Use
Date Last Revised: January 1st, 2017
Thank you for visiting FranchiseGenius.com. FranchiseGenius.com is owned and operated by Franchise Genius LLC and they are referred to collectively as "Franchise Genius" or "we". The user of the FranchiseGenius.com site is referred to as "user" or "you". By using the FranchiseGenius.com site, you agree to the following Terms of Use.
FranchiseGenius.com is a directory of business and franchise opportunities. All information provided on FranchiseGenius.com is for informational purposes only and Franchise Genius does not confirm or guarantee that this information is accurate or complete, and you should not rely on the information to be accurate or complete. FranchiseGenius.com does not sell franchise or business opportunities and we are not an opportunity broker, consultant, or advisor in any way. FranchiseGenius.com does not endorse, recommend, or represent any franchise or business opportunity listed on this site.
User agrees that all research and business dealings will be directly between the user and the business or franchise seller, and you are not relying on Franchise Genius in any way when selecting an opportunity to purchases. Franchise Genius does not assume any liability or responsibility for any claims, offers, or business dealings by or about any business or franchise opportunity listed on this site. You agree that the information on this site is only a starting point for your further due diligence and you will independently verify all information about the franchise or business opportunity. Recommended due diligence steps and checklists are not intended to be complete lists and they are only starting points for your own independent and complete due diligence.
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You should engage competent legal, accounting, and financial professionals prior to entering into an agreement with any franchise or business opportunity to protect your interests.
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The information and systems provided on this website may only be used for the purposes intended by Franchise Genius. The site is intended to provide a directory of franchise and business opportunities for use by individuals interested in purchasing such an opportunity. The site may not be used for any illegal purpose. The site may not be used for reverse engineering, content copying, or competitive intelligence.
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By submitting a "Request Information" to any franchise or business opportunity seller, you represent and warrant that all information you have provided in your Profile is correct and accurate, and does not violate any law or regulation. You further represent that you are genuinely interested in purchasing the opportunity for which you requested information and want a representative of that opportunity to contact you with further information about that opportunity, even if you are registered with a "Do-Not-Call", or other similar, registry.
FranchiseGenius.com system is designed to efficiently communicate your information requests to the franchise or business opportunity seller from which you are requesting more information. However, there may be technical, business, or other reasons why the franchise or business seller does not receive or respond to information requests.
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